Serving at Oasis

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Spiritual gifts often lead to titles or positions, but a person may have the gift without the role or the role without the gift. Regardless we should serve whenever we are given the opportunity. Working in the area of your gifting will allow you to “be” the person that God has called you to be rather than just “doing” good things.

Ready to SERVE?

Serving FAQ

Is there a dress code?

Yes, we ask that you wear your team shirt so that people can easily identify you if needed.

What are the requirements to join a serve team?

To join a serve team you must first complete an Oasis YOU! session and be a regular attendee. Although we require a background check this will not prevent you from serving. It may however prevent you from serving in a certain area. Otherwise have a heart of service, ready to impact others!

How does scheduling work?

Do I need to come early on Sundays/Wednesdays?

All scheduling requests go through planning center. Create an account and download the app to receive push notifications and emails when you're scheduled! In the app you can also block out dates you are unavailable for, and set your scheduling preferences.
It's different for every team, but generally your call time will be listed on planning center. Please be on time so we can be prepared to serve others in our fullest capacity!